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Old 24-01-2021, 11:01 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris Green Chris Green is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2016
Posts: 71
Default Levelling (or flattening really) a lawn, how does one do it?

We have a very bumpy, lumpy lawn. Basically we have just been mowing
it for 20 years or so and the combined efforts of moles, dogs,
children and removed trees have left their mark! :-)

Overall it's a big area (we have a smallholding), so we probably want
to mechanise things a bit at least. We have a Kubota 36HP tractor and
a Stiga ride on mower so something for the tractor on the 3-point hitch
might suit, hired or bought.

Late last year we resowed a section where the chickens had lived for
a while and that has come good very quickly so actually [re]growing
grass seems easy enough.

So, what is the way to attack the surface and make it smooth? Some
sort of device like a flail mower run so that it scratches the surface
smooth? Is there such a thing?

Presumably starting from scratch one would plough, harrow and roll to
a smooth surface but ploughing does seem a bit drastic. Maybe some
sort of fairly fine-grained harrow is what we need, just to break the
surface up to a depth of an onch or two.

Any and all advice would be very welcome.

Chris Green