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Old 21-01-2021, 12:03 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Default Greenhouse wifi !

On 20/01/2021 15:37, Charlie Pridham wrote:
Trying to get a wifi signal up into the greenhouse, house walls are
blocking the signal from the router, have tried using those plug in
things that you can pair up but the greenhouse has a different fuse to
the indoors and it didnt work (also I want to use a tablet rather than
plug in my laptop) any suggestions?
NB we dont have a mobile phone signal worth the name on any network or I
could use that as the tablet has a sim card

Charlie Pridham
Gardening in Cornwall

Thanks for both those suggestions, I will investigate tomorrow (or next
wet day!)

If anyone is wondering why I am trying to arrange this its to do with
taking credit card payments, up to now we have just had people come down
to the house which is only a few yards away, and used the tablet and
card reader there, but clearly that cant happen at the moment