Thread: Moss on Tarmac
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Old 16-01-2021, 10:45 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
alan_m alan_m is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2014
Posts: 131
Default Moss on Tarmac

On 16/01/2021 19:27, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 16:18:38 +0000, Pwllgloyw

What is the best treatment to remove moss from a fairly old rough tarmac
surface please?

But if the tarmac is shaded and pitted and holds moisture, the moss
will eventually return whatever you do.

Actually, it will return if it grows there - end of story.

Be warned that caustic soda is EXTREMELY nasty stuff, and breathing
any or getting any in your eyes, mouth or nose will leave you with
damage that A&E cannot fix.

A pressure washer can seriously damage weak tarmac, and ferrous
sulphate can stain any concrete yellow, but those are minor by

Nick Maclaren.

BAC50 Benzalkonium Chloride
After lockdown it will probably return to its previous price of around
£25 for 5 litres. For moss a 10:1 or 20:1 dilution (water:bac50) is
probably sufficient.

During the first lockdown the price rose by x2 to x4 and fell back to
its previous level around month after the first lockdown. During this
lockdown the price is rising again.

Spay on using a pump up garden sprayer or use a watering can and leave
for a week or four to let it die.

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