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Old 16-01-2021, 09:33 PM posted to rec.gardens
David E. Ross[_3_] David E. Ross[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2020
Posts: 9
Default scotch spanish broom

On 1/16/2021 11:09 AM, paul wrote:
it keeps coming back

spanish broom is like a hydra

what do you use to get rid of broom?

I have never had broom in my garden. However, I have had other
persistent weeds.

Roundup can be your friend. Just wait until the broom is growing
vigorously in the spring.

Mix the Roundup from a concentrate, slightly weak. Full strength might
kill only the top growth without killing the roots. Include a little
liquid soap in the mixture as a wetting agent.

DO NOT SPRAY! Spraying might damage adjacent plants that you want to
keep. Apply from a bucket with a paintbrush. You do not have to cover
each shoot in its entirety, but you should try to apply to at least a
part of each shoot.


David E. Ross

The only reason we have so many laws is that not enough people will do
the right thing. (© 1997 by David Ross)