Easily released Cord knot tying round a recycle box
In article ,
Rod Speed wrote:
Since good Tying Cord is expensive does anyone know of a good 'Gripping'
Knot that i can easily 'release' at a later date without having to cut
the cord?
The best knot for that is the reef knot, which you can tie tightly
on a corner and move. Alternatively, use a surgeon's knot, followed
by an extra thumb knot, making the top half into a reef knot. The
securest one is the constrictor knot, but that is a b*gg*r to undo.
I use all of those and more.
Truckers hitch works much better and surprise surprise,
being quick and easy to apply and remove is the reason
truckers use it.
Not in my experience, though I use a very similar one when relevant,
using a bowline rather than a loop knot, because that is less prone
to jamming. The problem with all such hitches are that they are very
bulky and catch on things - truckers use them because they are easy
to haul taut, but you can get the knots I mentioned adequately taut
for this purpose with experience.
Nick Maclaren.