Easily released Cord knot tying round a recycle box
On 12/01/2021 05:26, F Murtz wrote:
On 12/1/21 9:00 am, john west wrote:
I have a number of Bamboo Plants planted in unwanted Council Recycle
After a while they are almost impossible to get out of the box,
because the roots have grown so compacted.
I intend sawing down one side of the box and folding it down so i can
just slide the plant out of the box.
To re-use the box again i need to tie a long cord around the box to
keep the cut side in its original upright position for the next plant
to grow in it.
Since good Tying Cord is expensive does anyone know of a good
'Gripping' Knot that i can easily 'release' at a later date without
having to cut the cord?
I have tried some knots, but they are working out well.Â*Â*Â*Â* Thanks.
stop with the worrying rope is cheap.
Waterproof duct tape will also work.
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