Runner beans
In article ,
Judith wrote:
I left some runners to go to seed so that I can use them next year, they
tasted great! However, when do I pick them off and is there anything I
should be doing to preserve them, sorry to be so ignorant, I know it
would be easier to buy new next year but I really like these.
No problem. They grow perfectly well from seed and, as you say, are
excellent as dried beans. However, you MUST boil them for at least
5 minutes (preferably 10) before putting them in anything like a slow
cooker or slowly simmering casserole, to destroy the toxins. You
don't need a rolling boil, as it is the temperature that matters.
To keep them, dry them thoroughly, and then store them in a closed
container (even a plastic bag will do) in a dry place, preferably
cool. They remain viable for many years.
Nick Maclaren.