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Old 26-11-2020, 10:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Another John Another John is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 212
Default Planting a new tree in a hedegrow - ?

In article ,
Jeff Layman wrote:

The glyphosate will do no harm to anything planted after the sycamore
has died. Do you intend to remove the sycamore stump after it has died?
If not, it might attract fungal attack. Whether or not that would affect
the cherry or anything else already growing in the hedge is difficult to
say, but it is unlikely to have a major effect.

Thanks Jeff - reassuring.

No, I don't intend to try and remove it -- if I thought it would come
easy, I wouldn't be thinking about the glyphosate route. Removing
stumps, I have found [especially in recent years] is the hardest work in
the garden :-(

I am, however, going to have a good go at shoving it back and forth
before cutting it right down. It's currently about 6' tall, which is a
good lever to use, if it wobbles a bit with a good shove!
