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Old 25-11-2020, 10:53 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Another John Another John is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 212
Default Planting a new tree in a hedegrow - ?

I do a bit of gardening for a chap down the road - he does the plants
and the actual _garden_, while I do all the donkeywork for him.

We decided that a sycamore which is growing in the hedge needs to be got
rid of. It's a self-sown seedling of some years ago, 8" or 9" diameter
at the base, and has been summarily beheaded twice a year when the hedge
gets cut, so it's only about 7' tall (i.e. hedge height).

He wants me to get rid of it, so that he can put a proper tree in its
place, which will be nurtured -- this will be a cherry.

So, I intend to cut it off at the base, and then poison the stump by
drilling holes around it and lacing them with glyphosate (I have done
this successfully several times by now).

My question: how far from this stump should we look to plant the new
(bare root) tree, in order for it to be safe from the glyphosate? Or is
that not an issue?

The hedge is very deep (3 or 4 feet), and in this area is absolutely
shot through with very well established ivy, which I intend to get rid
of also, as best as I can, and *if* there is enough hedge left (it's
holly and hawthorn in this section), to warrant clearing it away.

Any comments please?