Overwintering Begonias & Fuchsias
On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 13:58:04 +0000, Martin Brown
Space is limited in the warm, light and dry.
Frost free has more space but not a great deal of light.
I over winter approx 400 fuchsia plants, (I grow a lot to sell to rise
money for the local Childrens Hospice) Most of these will produce
cutting mateial for next years plants, in a cold but well insulated
greenhouse, bubblewrap and fleece always to hand
Fost free is much more important than light, at this time of year,
most will be semi dormant, not a lot of watering, but they must not go
dust dry, picking up the pot,and feeling the weight is a good methord,
don't worry if the top of the compost is dry its the rootball you need
to keep alive.
I have a few that I really don't want to lose, and they have their
pots, planted within a larger pot of compost, so that the rootball has
another two inches of insulation to protect it in every direction
We have had ten years of mild winters, The wise plan for the worst,
and hope for the best!