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Old 18-11-2020, 02:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_3_] Martin Brown[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2020
Posts: 49
Default Overwintering Begonias & Fuchsias

I came by (they survived winter) some quite nice begonias and fuchsias
whilst recycling compost from the VH hanging baskets this year. They
have done very well and I was wondering how best to over winter them.

They clearly have tubers and advice seems to vary as to whether they
*must* have a winter dormancy period or can be grown year round as a
houseplant. They do still look quite pretty and in flower but if they
are to survive the winter in growth I will need to bring them in PDQ.

My suspicion is that they are semitropical under storey plants and would
grow year round subject to light and heat. Same I guess for fuchsias.

Since they survived last year being totally ignored and up in hanging
baskets perhaps it is enough to put them in a dryish sheltered spot.
What experience do others have of overwintering tender plants outdoors?

Space is limited in the warm, light and dry.
Frost free has more space but not a great deal of light.

Martin Brown