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Old 14-11-2020, 04:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Peat Free Compost

On 14/11/2020 14:39, Bob Hobden wrote:
I see Monty Don is getting a lot of flack on Social Media today from
some quarters of the trade about going completely Peat Free. The
"Trade" said they would be by about now but they aren't. Garden Centres
still stock lots of different peat based composts and few peat free.
Indeed if they do stock one it tends to be the cheap "New Horizons"
rather than Sylvagrow etc. and you certainly get what you pay for.


I use Sylvagrow ericaceous (Sylvagrow recommended by you!) and find it
very good. I used to use Erin ericaceous, which contained peat, but they
then started selling "reduced peat" compost (whatever that means), and
started putting "composted material" in it (was that from green waste at
council tips?). Most certainly, although Sylvagrow isn't cheap, it
seems to be a lot denser than the cheaper composts. I much prefer it,
and won't be going back to the cheap composts.

Anyway, I also have a bale of Irish moss peat which I use to "dilute"
the Sylvagrow for some proteaceous plants.

