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Old 25-10-2020, 06:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Outdoor tomatoes still going strong.

In article ,
David wrote:
A month or so ago I cut back the outdoor cherry tomatoes to virtually
stems and fruit clusters as the whole thing was getting very unwieldy and
it was hard to pick the fruit.

Set fruit is also still ripening.

Mine in a greenhouse have slowed down considerably, due to the lack
of light.

Outdoor cucumbers have most of the leaves dying off but there are still
some fruit on, including tiny ones developing.

I grubbed mine a while back, because the wet had caused their roots
to rot.

Courgettes have given up (but I see ones around which are better
cultivated and still going strong).

I picked the last of mine and grubbed the plants today, but they are
Tromboncino d'Albenga. Again, it's the wet causing the fruit to rot
at one end. However, we shall be eating them well into November,
because the semi-mature fruit keep well in a cool place.

Nick Maclaren.