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Old 19-10-2020, 11:33 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ian Jackson Ian Jackson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2017
Posts: 35
Default Colour-blind birds?

In message , David Rance
On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 14:00:44 Ian Jackson wrote:

In message , Graeme

In message , Andy Burns

My holly bush is having a bumper year for berries, but the birds
don't seem to have noticed, have they all gone colour-blind?

Birds here are having a field day, attacking the windfall apples,
bright orange and red pyracantha berries and anything else they can

My large holly bush was once stripped bare of berries in a few minutes
when a flock of birds landed on it. [They were 'strangers' in these
parts, and I think they were just passing through. They were the size
of doves, but had red flashes on their wings. I'm not sure what they were.]

Redwings, members of the thrush family. I get them every year and they
strip my viburnum in a couple of days. They haven't arrived here in
Reading yet this year but I've been looking out for them.


Thanks for all the replies. One thing I didn't mention was that, this
year, neither of the two pyracanthas I have growing together (almost as
one - one red berried and one orange berried) have had no flowers*, so
there won't be any berries for the birds. Also, the holly bushes have
only had a few.
*Just as well - I dislike their sweet, sickly smell!

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