Pond re-lining ... plants / blanket weed?
On 31/08/2020 14:25, Another John wrote:
As discussed a couple of months ago, I'm now about to empty and then
re-line our [leaking] pond.
I'll remove all plants, drain most of the water, then gently empty the
residue, bucket by bucket, through a garden sieve into an old
plasterer's bath, and put all creatures found into a separate trug full
of pond water.
So far so good. But this year we have been plagued with blanket weed
like never before. If I replace the plants, and (say half of) the old
water into the new liner, am I going to be stocking it with blanket weed
for next year? (!!)
BTW this year I spent £15 on a bottle of barley extract, and applied as
directed. It might (possibly) have slowed it down, but it emphatically
did _not_ get rid of it. I am beginning to think that all such
treatments are quack remedies: in any case they work so slowly, that you
wonder if the weed has slowed down / gone away of its own accord -(
Blanket weed (spirogyra) needs particular conditions to survive.
Eventually it alters those conditions and dies.
“when things get difficult you just have to lie”
― Jean Claud Jüncker