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Old 13-07-2020, 09:38 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Frank Frank is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Default Japanese Beetles

On 7/6/2020 5:19 PM, Pavel314 wrote:
On Monday, July 6, 2020 at 4:14:39 PM UTC-4, Snag wrote:
Were eating my beans up pretty badly , but I'm somewhat controlling
their numbers now . I sprayed the plants - blue lake pole beans - before
they flowered with some fruit tree spray (checked with my Plant Guru
first , she said it was OK) that has permethrin and neem oil and that
worked fairly well . Once they flower I can't use pesticides because of
the bees , so I'm drowning the bugs in soapy water . What I'm doing is
holding a gallon size ice cream container with an inch or so of soapy
water in it under the leaf they're on . I touch or shake the leaf , they
land in the soapy water and drown . Early in the morning is a good time
as is late afternoon/early evening - but you can find them just about
any time of day . I'm not preventing all the damage , but I'm reducing
it enough that it's not a big deal . And this year the beans are loaded
loaded with blossoms and teeny tiny beans . I am optimistic ...
Also , the tomatoes are doing very well , loaded with fruit and
blossoming like crazy . We've started picking cucumbers and a few
peppers (California Wonder red/green and Anaheims) and the bees are
doing very well , putting up lots of honey . Everything seems to be
going well this year - I think it's partly because I'm spending more
time out there and partly due to fertilizing with generous quantities
of rabbit droppings ...
Illegitimi non

Several years ago the Japanese beetles were eating up my grape plants. I got some traps that attracted them then trapped them in a disposable bag. These are still available at Amazon, Home Depot, etc.

I did this years ago and would point out my mistake of putting the traps
near the grapes as the beetles congregated there. Trap should be placed
away for the crop.

Funny how they are no longer pests here. I think the treatment bacillus
thuringiensis has taken control in the neighborhood.

Suggest Snag look into this.