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Old 03-07-2020, 12:16 PM posted to rec.gardens
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
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Default Tomato plants with small, misshapen leaves

Michael Moroney wrote:

I have several tomato plants which are generally doing well. They are 5'
tall in the northeast US. However, some of them have tiny, wrinkled leaves
on the upper 2/3s of the plants, but the lower 1/3 are normal and healthy.
They almost look as if someone picked all the leaves off the upper stems
leaving a little bit of leaf behind.

What would cause this and what does it mean? All but one of these plants
are Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes.

look on the ground to see if there are droppings from
tomato worms or tobacco worms or some other chewing
caterpillars. google types of tomato worms for pics.

if you go out in the early morning you can often
find them around where they have been chewing but
they can be well disguised if you don't know what
you are looking for.
