Canary Island Palm root ball
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24-06-2020, 05:22 PM posted to rec.gardens
David E. Ross[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,049
Canary Island Palm root ball
On 6/23/2020 8:07 PM,
Thx.its worth a try.
Today i saw there are two tall trunks, between 2-6 ft all around the main ones starting right up against the mains ones.
So much trimming to be done. Cant see any trunks.
So glad you posted. Besides saving this nicely shaped tree, i can do the trimming and save $1000-2000 quoted to cut all down.
One said it would cost hundreds for the calif state disposal fee. Said its considered hazardous waste. ??? And we wonder why calif is corrupt.
DO NOT deal with anyone who claims the palm is hazardous waste!!
The tree service I use always brings a chipper. I live in Ventura
County, where the county runs a composting service. A chipped tree will
be taken for free.
Along US 101, I see several palms that were topped, which caused them to
die. They were topped to prevent them from interfering with overhead
utility lines. If the utilities can leave these dead palms standing --
which indeed is a fire hazard -- then they cannot be considered hazardous.
David E. Ross
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David E. Ross[_2_]
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