Poor roses this year
On 14/06/20 11:10, Broadback wrote:
On 14/06/2020 09:45, David Rance wrote:
On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 09:39:46 Broadback wrote:
Residing in the low ground of North Staffordshire i have a variety of
roses, usually they give a good show, but not this year. The buds are
meagre, then they do not open well. Is it my bad lucj]k or is it more
No problem here in Berkshire. I have an unusually good show of blooms.
Oh David, you have just depressed me! ;-)
They have been excellent here in south Hampshire, and very early, too.
We've already had three flowers on "Deep Secret", and there are another
15 buds waiting to open.