please identify this lawn weed
"David E. Ross" writes:
On 6/12/2020 10:34 AM, bilsch01 wrote:
I need to know the name of this lawn weed. If I know the name I can get
rid of the weed effectively. This is a common lawn weed. It spreads as
a creeper.
Thanks. Bill S.
It appears to be oxalis (O. corniculata). It is somewhat hard to tell
from the photo. If the flowers have five petals and resemble a star
and the leaves resemble clover, then it is indeed oxalis.
When I see oxalis in my garden, I dig it out with a paring knife. It is
important to get the entire plant. As it grows, new roots form along
the runners. Thus, just pulling it does not work.
An herbicide based on ammonium thiosulfate will kill it but not kill its
seeds. That herbicide also kills spotted spurge (Chamaesyce maculata,
aka Euphorbia maculata) another creeping weed, but generally does not
damage other plants except for junipers (genus Juniperus) unless it has
been improperly mixed too strongly. The herbicide quickly decomposes
into a nitrogenous fertilizer.
I sure couldn't tell from that tiny picture,
even after blowing it up.
I just used Tenacity (Mesotrione) for the second year.
Good stuff, it kills 46 broad leaf weeds.
Got the Oxalis, wild violets, nut grass.
It seems like it only stunned the clover.
The lawn looks much better this year.
Dan Espen