Transplanting courgettes (when grown on a bit)
On 09/06/2020 11:41, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Martin Brown wrote:
The stems are a bit brittle but they usually survive OK unless the slugs
find them immediately after planting. I always put slug bait down around
mine after planting. One year they became slug food overnight. I presume
the slugs all homed in on the bruised stem smell or something.
Yes. I grow them in pots until they are large enough to survive that.
Actually, I may have been a bit misleading, in that I pre-germinate
them on damp kitchen roll and pot them as soon as they show some root.
I don't plant them in trays - it's pointless, given I need only a few
and the seeds are large.
I generally grow mine and other things that don't like root disturbance
in wood pulp biodegradable pots that the roots come through easily. That
or a newspaper origami box which once it gets wet is almost as good.
It is also a cunning way to do lazy self root pruning Bonsai.
Martin Brown