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Old 08-06-2020, 08:50 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David[_24_] David[_24_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2017
Posts: 228
Default Transplanting courgettes (when grown on a bit)

The general advice is, don't.
Which turns out to be pretty accurate.

Due to logistics I didn't have a final location (big pot) for a couple of
store bought courgette plants, so I potted them on in intermediate sized

When I had my big pots ready I potted them on.
First one went swimmingly.
I thought the second one was fine, but then the plant fell over showing
just a few short threads of root.
It had apparently come adrift from the rest of the root ball.

As an experiment I cut off all the leaves and developing courgettes
leaving just the buds, and pushed it into the soil.
I then covered it with a large plant pot to give it a moist environment
and plenty of shade.

Amazingly it still seems to be growing.
The first new big leaf is emerging and I have uncovered it.
An interesting experiment, but a waste of time with regards to getting an
early start on the courgettes.

I now have a seedling courgette starting to emerge in the big pot (planted
three seeds when starting the rescue attempt).
I may allow both to grow just for the interest, to see how they get on
with each other.
If another courgette germinates I will probably move it to yet another
large pot.


Dave R

AMD FX-6300 in GA-990X-Gaming SLI-CF running Windows 7 Pro x64

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