Bought compost grumble - HomeBase vs Humax
In article ,
Chris Hogg wrote:
I'm a great fan of Humax composts, especially their ericaceous
Trying to find them around here is NOT easy! I will take another look.
But in general garden composts are made down to the lowest cost that
the mfrs can achieve....
God help us, yes! I bought some Westland "John Innes No. 1" and, to
describe it as complete crap, would be unfair on crap. Unfit for
purpose - it was basically pure silt, clogged like buggery, and few
seeds germinated in it. And apparently Westland have bought the
J. Arthus Bowers brand name (the company dissolved in 2015), which
explains why my latest bag isn't really a John Innes compost, either.
Nick Maclaren.