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Old 31-05-2020, 04:44 PM posted to
mike[_10_] mike[_10_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2020
Posts: 1
Default Eon Decking Problems

replying to GMF, mike wrote:
I've had an eon deck for over 15 years and don't' have the problems you guys
speak of. I love this deck! Yes there is expansion and contraction that
happens..which EON has said will happen with this product from up front. It's
most noticeable to me when the summer sun first hits it. You can hear the odd
sound, like a crack or a pop. It's nothing crazy though. It's probably the
plastic deck board expanding around snug T clips. But literally after a minute
those couple of cracking sounds pass. A small price to pay for all the
benefits I get from this deck. No staining, warping or splinters. It cleans up
really nice. And it's solid! When I built my deck I worked with Home Depot to
determine how my undercarriage of the deck should be build, following codes
and recommendations to have a good solid structure. Perhaps you're getting
all this squeaking and popping when you walk around the deck because the
undercarriage has just a little too much conjunction with tight
clips. Just a thought. The biggest thing that I'm not happy about with this
product is that it has faded a bit. It's not drastic, but it is noticeable
when you move something that's been in place for a while (ie a bench). From
what I've seen of some composite products, I still prefer EON. While the
composite products look good They don't seem to be as durable or long lasting.
But this is coming from someone who doesn't own any composite decking himself.

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