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Old 30-05-2020, 11:50 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Giant thistle - or what??

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Vir Campestris wrote:
On 30/05/2020 12:25, Ian Jackson wrote:

Yes - that definitely looks more like it than the woolly thistle. Google
searches indicate that it can grow to 1.5m, but mine is more like 1.8 -
and it's still growing. However, I think it's now spending more time
forming seed heads.

If it _is_ spear thistle, and it's forming seeds, you need to do something.

It's on a list of weeds that you are supposed to destroy; you can be
fined if you don't after a notice has been served.

Letting it go to seed might be seen as a bad move. But make sure it is
that thistle, not one of the rare ones!

Not really. That list of injurious weeds is effectively obsolete, and
the lack of use of those powers for a good many decades hasn't caused
those weeds to get out of control. Landowners can get a grant for
controlling the most noxious weeds, but they are Japanese knotweed etc.,
and the 1959 list weeds are NOT eligible.

If its seeding were likely to cause trouble then, yes, remove it before
it does - otherwise, I would just let it be.

Nick Maclaren.