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Old 26-05-2020, 10:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Vir Campestris Vir Campestris is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2014
Posts: 234
Default A different clematis problem

On 26/05/2020 10:15, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Vir Campestris wrote:

If your soil is even half-decent, it will grow perfectly well. That's
required only for clay and other unsuitable soils - at least most
clematis like good drainage, a deep root-run and reasonably fertile

Thanks all - it _is_ clay... I'll dig deep. It can have some of the
not-yet-rotted-properly stuff from the Dalek in the bottom.

That's a good idea. If you have any surplus rubble, that could go
in right at the bottom.

You're kidding aren't you?

As it happens I'm digging up what appears to be the foundations of the
old outside toilet, and have several hundredweight of flints. That's the
explanation for why one of our flower beds has always had poor drainage!
