Giant thistle - or what??
Nick Maclaren wrote:
Andy Burns wrote:
Think I've killed my second cordyline in 2 years, first one I think I
overwatered, determined not to make the same mistake again, I only
watered the replacement sparingly, but all of a sudden it looks parched
and hasn't reacted to having a good drink ...
A lot of the cause of such things is that stress allows root rots
to get a hold, and then the plant will die no matter what you do.
I think this one has probably got that point, if it was a couple of
months earlier, I might have followed some of the "chop it off at the
knees" advice and let it re-sprout, suppose not too much to lose by
trying that now, but if it's the roots it probably won't help it ... or
I can just buy another one when Homebase have them on clearance!