"Weed and feed" - recommendations?
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19-05-2020, 06:40 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2017
Posts: 267
"Weed and feed" - recommendations?
On 18/05/2020 10:08,
We've recently scarified the main areas of lawn (about 2500m2) so now
thoughts are turning to weed'n'feed, but is it too hot/dry and, if not,
which product to use?
It is a bit late to do that really.
Best done in spring before the weeds get going. Ideal time to apply it
is just before rain is due. Otherwise you will have to water it in.
I use whichever one I can buy in bulk right at the end of the season
when they are practically giving it away to make room for Dracula's
Cave/Santa's Grotto. There isn't a lot to choose between them.
Important to spread it evenly though any places with too much will burn
the grass. Likewise if it doesn't get watered in properly within a few
days of application. Incidentally it rained here overnight!
Enough to really perk the grass up already. It had been slowly turning
brown due to the incessant drought for weeks - particularly where BT
have a cable run under it. It has rained overnight before but previously
only enough to show a few drops on the car but not even wet the paths!
Martin Brown
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Martin Brown[_2_]
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