Thread: Garden pond.
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Old 18-05-2020, 06:03 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
april april is offline
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Posts: 7
Default Garden pond.

Is it time to call it a day on this pond or is there any chance of getting it going again? If I do retrieve it, would my wildlife come back do you think? - I mean the frogs and newts, not the dragon flies ( I really dislike dragon flies).

Can I add I have been having another go at this pond today. I have taken out almost all the lilly stuff and prety much everything else. I have been bailing out the bottom section of mud. The shallow parts are now clearing nicely and the water is very clear.

I have found one newt. I didnt fish it out. I saw it swim across the pond as I was scooping debris - it was orange and young adult I would think.
But I havent seen any tadpoles or anything else.

Obviously I wont be getting rid of this pond whilst there is one newt in it. He has a right to his pond and I shall respect that but I am going to try and clean it but as much as I can.

Since there is now no plant life in there, can someone suggest what I might put in for the newt ( if he manages to breed)? . I know they need leaves to stick their eggs in.