Jeff Layman Wrote in message:
On 07/05/20 18:44, thescullster wrote: Hello Fellow Urglers I visited a colleague of mine for the first time recently and came across a rather attractive tree that I didn't recognise at all. Can anyone put a name to this please The guy has a place near Skipsea and has planted close to 500 trees on his land there. All holes dug manually, and some of the trees grown from seeds collected on his travels with work to Russia and Ukraine. Apparently he has looked into the "importation" of varieties in this way and it is accepted. ThanksPossibly a whitebeam - maybe something like Sorbus aria 'Lutescens', but perhaps someone else has a better idea.-- Jeff
Many thanks guys
Looking at the links you have provided the sorbus aria pics match
my recollection of the tree in the flesh so to speak.
I think the Russian/Ukrainian reference was misleading. I believe
they were generally chestnuts that he brought back from these
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