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Old 30-04-2020, 09:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
alan_m alan_m is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2014
Posts: 131
Default cherry tree - dead branches

On 30/04/2020 10:21, wrote:


We have a cherry tree that always produces a good crop but the birds eat most of them before they are properly ripe, even when I tried netting it. How do you manage to get a good crop for yourselves?

Around my way the cat population seem to have killed all of the birds.
A few years ago I had to fill the bird feeders once a day, this year
once every three weeks.

In previous years only a couple of blackbirds have taken around 25% of
the crop. Unfortunately they tend to peck at the fruit on the tree and
if one particular fruit is not ripe enough or not to their taste go on
to the next fruit so many fruit are spoilt with one peck.

I don't use netting and so perhaps I am just lucky. I also like the
cherries when perhaps slightly under ripe and pick many when they are
fully red. Left on the tree they go a dark purple and get very sweet but
once picked have a very short shelf life.

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