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Old 30-04-2020, 07:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden[_6_] Bob Hobden[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2017
Posts: 211
Default cherry tree - dead branches

On 29 Apr 2020 23:44, alan_m wrote:

I have an (eating) cherry tree that 10+ years old. This year the tree
has what appears to have two dead branches of around 3cm diameter where
the branch meets the main trunk. Early in the season the branch ends
produced the start of leaf buds but since any activity on the two
branches ceased. The ends of the branches can be easily snapped with no
hit of living wood in the centre.

Any ideas why two fairly large branches, with many sub branches, have
completely died off. There is no sign of physical damage.

The rest of the tree appears very healthy with leaf production, masses
of flowers and many fruit set.

Last year the tree produced a bumper crop of cherries but unfortunately
the weather didn't help with a long dry spell while the fruit should
have been swelling and then a wet spell which caused most of the fruit
to have split skins where rot set quickly in.

We had four on our allotment but two had to be taken out , One diseased
from the start and the other on the wrong rootstock (asked for Gisella
5 obviously got Colt). However we haven't had any cherries for three
years due to SWD infection (Spotted Wing Drosophila) We don't like
eating cherries with added maggots. Hope that isn't the reason for your
lack of fruit.

Bob Hobden