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Old 30-04-2020, 06:21 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David[_24_] David[_24_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2017
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Default Wisteria root stock - allow "sucker" to grow?

On Mon, 27 Apr 2020 17:59:15 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:

On 27 Apr 2020 16:41:10 GMT, David wrote:
This year I've noticed a "sucker" starting to grow from the Wisteria

Normally I would just rub it out, but I am wondering what the rootstock
for this Wisteria is?

Any harm in growing it on enough to see if it will flower eventually?
Keeping it checked so it doesn't take over, of course.

Normally a seedling wisteria is used as a rootstock. But seedling
wisteria can take 20 years to flower which is why they are grafted.

This intrigues me, as it did when I searched on line.

I assume that there is some "maturity magic" taking place in the cells of
the Wisteria which is retained by the cuttings, allowing them to flower
very quickly.

Thus eliminating the 20 year wait.

Also why you are advised to see a Wisteria in flower at the nursery before
you buy, in case it is only, say, 5 years old and you have 15 years wait

Now wondering if a friend still has the remains of a non-flowering
Wisteria for a grafting experiment.


Dave R

AMD FX-6300 in GA-990X-Gaming SLI-CF running Windows 7 Pro x64

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