Morning glory seeds - soak in tepid water?
In article ,
David wrote:
Apart from how you keep water tepid over night.
I've got some Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds and the packet says soak
them over night in tepid water.
I've looked on line for advice and some don't mention it, some say
optional, some say "or scratch the seed".
Does anyone have direct experience, perhaps of trying different methods?
Ignore the tepid - it's irrelevant. I do that and then put them on
damp kitchen roll (folded) in a ramekin covered with cling film, and
then plant them in small pots. As other people say, if they get
chilled, they will die (fungal attack) - my technique reduces the
risk of that, because I have some voracious fungi in my soil.
I do pile a groove in my Ipomoea alba seeds, because they are MUCH
harder and much larger - that makes a difference, but I found that
filing most morning glory seeds (including cardinal vine) doesn't.
Nick Maclaren.