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Old 22-04-2020, 08:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Morning glory seeds - soak in tepid water?

On 22/04/20 18:28, David wrote:
Apart from how you keep water tepid over night.

I've got some Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds and the packet says soak
them over night in tepid water.

I've looked on line for advice and some don't mention it, some say
optional, some say "or scratch the seed".

Does anyone have direct experience, perhaps of trying different methods?


I can't say I've had any problem germinating "Heavenly Blue". However,
if you want to perhaps increase your chances I would use the edge of a
file to get at least partially through the seed coat. Soaking overnight
in tepid water isn't too difficult if you use a vacuum flask and fill it
with tepid water. Don't forget they are tropical plants and so it's
best to not let them cool down too much after you've sown them. Don't
put them in a cold greenhouse; a warm room in the house would be fine
until they start to germinate.

Remember that they grow really quickly, and you don't want to risk
putting them outside until there is absolutely no risk of frost, or even
prolonged cold weather.

