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Old 19-04-2020, 10:27 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Another John Another John is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 212
Default Speedwell in the lawn


For the last few years we've had [what I have identified as] speedwell
in our lawn. I annually treat the lawn with "Weed and Feed", which
seems to deal with the usual weeds (buttercups, dandelions etc) but the
speedwell seems to shrug this off, and it has got worse and worse every
In the last six weeks uI've treated the lawn three times .. the
speedwell has slight burning arond the edges of the leaves, but the
plants themselves seem to be burgeoning.

Any other recommendations for dealing with this?

The weed and feed that I've been using is called Vitax Lawn Clear,
active ingredients appear to be Phosphorous pentoxide and Postassium
oxide (could be wrong about that since I am not a chemist, but they are
the only dodgy looking things listed).

Supplementary question: this group used to be very busy with gardeners,
and now we are reduced to what appears to be about a dozen ... where's
everyone else gone?
