On 29/03/2020 19:19, Emrys Davies wrote:
We have sixteen large seats and tables around our bowling green and most
of them get their fair share of algae during the close season.Â* I have
used white vinegar, which was recommended on Google, but it is not
effective.Â* My most successful method is washing up liquid in hot water
and applied quite vigorously with one of those slim green scouring
pads.Â* The more I soak it the better the result although much elbow
grease is needed.Â* Has anyone found the answer to this problem?
BAC 50 (about £20 to £25 for 5L) diluted 10 to 20 parts of water to 1
part BAC 50. Use a garden sprayer, leave to dry for a few days for the
algae to die off and change colour. Then just clean off with a stiff
brush or pressure washer.
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I've used it to remove algae from a plastic conservatory type roof where
after two days it rained hard and did the final clearing work.
I've also used it to kill moss on my concrete tiled roof but in this
instance the dead moss had to be removed by gently brushing it with a
stiff broom. If the surface of what you are treating is porous traces of
the BAC 50 remain preventing further growth of algae for a few yaers
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