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Old 14-03-2020, 04:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default What veg to grow

In article ,
David Hill wrote:

I am supprised that no one has saidanythig about painting the wall and
fence whithe to reflect more light, if you could do so it would make a
very large difference.

Not really, because it faces NNE :-( It would make some difference,
but not a lot.

The previous poster mentioned growing things up towards the light.
If there is nothing much over the fences towards the south, then
growing climbing plants (like peas, beans, cucumbers or squashes)
would work. They much be climbing types, of course.

Nick Maclaren.