Spanish Bluebells
On 02/02/2020 11:49, Steve wrote:
I've been trying to eliminate Spanish Bluebells for
umpteen years now. The previous owner of my house
planted thousands of them. I've dug up loads of them
over the years, but this year lots more are coming up
again. They just keep coming!
Would using a contact weed killer stick or something
similar work on these?
I have the same problem. I have a 1000 sq yard narrow garden and at the
bottom is what I call *my wood" lots of trees and I thought how nice it
would be to have English bluebells in there but even though I dig the
Spanish ones, planted by the previous owners, out, I cannot seem to
eliminate them completely and it's pointless to get them if I can't.
Also I'm reluctant to use weedkiller because of the snowdrops nearby.
Loads of snowdrops, including a double variety that I got from Germany
that I wouldn't want to lose.