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Old 04-02-2020, 11:31 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_2_] Martin Brown[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2017
Posts: 267
Default Spanish Bluebells

On 03/02/2020 07:49, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 00:01:52 +0000, David Hill

I had a nice clump of thema good few years ago which got caught by a
little Gramoxone spray(A contact weed killer) within 2 days they were
desicated and never came back.
I wonder what Wedol would do to them?
I'm sure it was the fast kill that did it.

Comment/question: Gramoxone (paraquat) is banned in the UK now AFAIK.
Did the original Weedol contain paraquat (I have a vague recollection
that it did)? There are so many versions of 'Weedol' these days (it's
become a brand name rather than the name of a specific product), which
one would you suggest?

The marketeers have triumphed so that the shelf product names no longer
bear any clear relationship to the true chemistry so you do have to be
careful that you get the right one. Much more important when you want a
broadleaf weedkiller to use on lawns without harming the grass.

Slight variations in speed of kill and effectiveness against pernicious
weeds isn't too bad but wrecking a lawn is an expensive mistake!

Sometimes the clue is in the name like Pathclear (which someone I know
once misguidedly used as a spot weeder on a lawn with a dribbly wand).
The germination inhibitor made their mistake quite difficult to rectify.

Martin Brown