Hyacinth bulbs
On 08/01/2020 00:13, Jenny M Benson wrote:
On 07/01/2020 22:39, Martin Brown wrote:
Finding somewhere cold for them is a bit of a problem this winter
outside temperature at the moment is 12C and very very windy!
The instructions with these bulbs say "as cold as a fridge or garden
shed."Â* I don't have a garden shed anyway, but I do have fridge, though
finding room in it (it's tiny) might be a problem.
I put mine in the garage (and cross fingers the squirrels don't break in
and eat them). But anywhere cold (ie not centrally heated) and slightly
dark will do. In the porch under a bucket for instance.
My instinct is that if shoots have already started to form the bulbs
have already broken dormancy and will flower. BTW don't forget that some
people are sensitive to hyacinth alkaloids so wash hands after handling.
Martin Brown