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Old 26-12-2019, 10:50 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Roses bloominmg on Christmas Day?

On 26/12/2019 09:30, Chris Hogg wrote:
On 25 Dec 2019 16:51:26 GMT, David wrote:

Quite a few front gardens here have roses (which haven't been cut back)
Many have multiple blooms.
I thought roses usually bloomed from Spring through to Autumn.

Then again the seasons are strange at the moment, nearly 10C and sunny
Spring bulbs are also starting to show through, and a lot of evergreen
shrubs are also flowering.

Merry Whatever.

Dave R

Surprisingly little in my West Cornwall garden. A few late-flowering
red Kaffir lilies (Schizostylis coccinea major), and one camellia (C.
Jap. High Hat, pale pink, been in flower since late October and will
go on until March/April. The textbooks say it's 'early', Feb-March,
but nothing about the previous October!).

I've noticed some Schizostylis flowering. I don't think that it's
unusual for the time of year.

My first snowdrop appeared a week or more back, but in general there's
not very much in flower. I thought that the lack of frost might have led
to more stuff hanging on, but possibily that's been counteracted by the
lack of sunshine and waterlogged ground.

Next door has a couple of flowers on a tall straggly white rose and
some evergreen azaleas in full flower, almost certainly R. simsii
vars., the tender 'indoor' azaleas popular in garden centres at this
time of year and that will survive the winter outside down here, but
apart from those, nothing.

Yes, the daffs are pushing up through the ground, and the Soleil
d'Or's (a highly perfumed tazetta narcissus at one time widely grown
down here for the spring flower trade) are in bud, but that's it I'm
afraid. Very little frost, just a couple of nights around 3°C and
certainly nothing below zero over the last few weeks. I think
everything's just struggling to stay afloat and not drown!

And a merry whatever and a prosperous thingy to you too!