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Old 07-11-2019, 07:57 PM posted to rec.gardens
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2017
Posts: 59
Default Is it possible to replant or at least drag approx 2mts distance, an established holly tree?

On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 Frank wrote:
On 11/7/2019 penmart wrote:
On Thu, 7 Nov 2019 11:44:01 +0000, Maria Gonella wrote:

Is it possible to move an established (30ft) holly tree? We are having gates
at the front of our house about to be put in and unfortunately the tree is
right in the way of where they want to build the pillars, is it possible to
replant or drag an established holly tree, approximately 2 meters to the side?
its very beautiful and I didn't want to loose it!

A 30' holly tree can be lopped off at ten feet and what's left can be
heavily pruned, and it will still survive transplanting, and with full sun they are
fast growers... ask if your gate installers have an excavator to dig a
new hole and set your tree into it with its rootball. Pruning and
transplanting will make your holly healthier. Right now, fall, is the
best time to transplant mature trees, before the ground freezes.

Mine are very slow growing, probably due to shaded areas. I've
transplanted little ones. My wife has a little one in a pot. Been
there over 2 years. She calls it Groot as it is only about half a foot

For better growth holly likes a good amount of sun and they don't do
well in small pots. It would be best to plant your potted holly in
the ground where it will receive a good amount of sun, and if it
becomes too large holly takes well to pruning.