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Old 25-10-2019, 10:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Plant IDs, anyone?

In article ,
Vir Campestris wrote:

The point is that, allergies and damage to mucous membranes aside,
any plant found 'in the wild' in the UK can be handled and even tasted
without serious risk of death or permanent injury.

I looked it up because I recall hearing tales of children using the
stems to make blowpipes. The results were not good.

Come to that, belladonna isn't even uncommon...

I checked up on several of the claims of harm, and they were assigned
to giant hogweed because 'obviously' that was the cause. In some cases,
there was no giant hogweed in the vicinity. I have also cut it down
on a hot summer's day using a sickle, wearing shorts and a short-sleeved
shirt, and had no reaction.

That doesn't mean that it CAN'T cause photosensitising reactions, but
that the hype isn't based on evidence, and it's probably no worse than
many other common garden plants.

And I have been prescribed belladonna ....

Nick Maclaren.