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Old 20-10-2019, 01:21 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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Default Plant IDs, anyone?

On 20/10/2019 10:43, Another John wrote:
In article ,

On Friday, October 18, 2019 at 5:14:09 PM UTC+1, Another John wrote:
Hello folks: can anyone identify two plants that are currently
prospering in our garden? I hope you can see them at

Plant A is as you can see about as tall as my wife, who is 5'4". The
leaf is alongside. Personally I think it's an evening primrose that's
too late for its season. OTOH, the leaves are also reminiscent of a
teazel, but without a prickle in sight.

Plant B: again, as tall as my wife. She thinks it's a dahlia, gone mad
because it's missed its season (or perhaps because of the excessive
drinking it has been forced to do this year). It's not in "the dahlia
bed", because we don't have a dahlia bed: my wife likes to "just bung
'em in where she finds a space", hence she wouldn't be surprised if it
is a dahlia.

Neither plant has the faintest signs of buds let alone flowers.

John (and wife)

Have they just "Arrived" or did you deliberately plant them? Plant A reminds
me of the tall Calceolaria here although they seem hairier than your mystery

Hi Charlie,
They "just arrived", and we didn't notice them until September, when
they started edging above everything around them.

Having looked at various calceolaria at your suggestion: no, not one of
them. Great Rosebay Willow Herb seems to be the closest so far,
suggested by Bob, but there's no sign whatever of flowers.

I'd lover to know what Plant B is! I've never seen anything like it:
foliage very dahlia-like, but so tall, and it's as wide as it's tall.


Several species dahlias will grow to 8ft or more.