New greenhouse -- what's a good make?
On 12 Oct 2019 11:28, Another John wrote:
Jim S. said:
I had an Eden greenhose for many years. It served me well...
And Alan said:
It sounds mundane, perhaps, but would B&Q be a good place to start
looking? I'm after a 10'x6, and perhaps one of those nice-looking
(powder coated??) green ones would be nice.
Isn't bare aluminium the best choice? An oxide layer forms on the
surface protecting the rest of the metal.
Thanks for those response chaps - useful. And yes Alan -- that thought
had crossed my own mind, about the pretty powder coating: you have
reinforced it nicely.
But: no rush! (You'll like this) This was to be a 70th birthday
present for my wife. When I broached the subject yesterday she told me,
a little frostily, that it's *next* December, not this, that she reaches
that splendid age! 8-O
So you now need a Doghouse.
Bob Hobden