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Old 11-10-2019, 12:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_] Roger Tonkin[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default Indoor Hyacinth's

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On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:49:44 +0100, Roger Tonkin

I bought and planted up my indoor hyacinth's a couple of weeks
ago. At the time the garden centre gave me a paper about
growing them indoors.

Well, today I read it, and found according to them I've been
doing it wrong for the last 50+ years!

I am supposed to plant then in pots with drain holes, where as
I've always used (mainly plastic) pots and never seemed to have
any problems.

Why? Is this a new fad, some one not knowing what they are
doing, or a sales ploy to sell more pot?

Like many things, the right way to do anything is if it works, and the
wrong way is if it doesn't.

I guess growing hyacinths in pots with drain holes works perfectly
well, but so does growing them in a hyacinth vase with the water just
below or touching the base of the bulb, which is probably in effect
very similar to what you do but without any compost. No drainage there!

I do grow one like that it a glass. Always quite effective for
the grandchildren to learn about how things grow!

The rest are in plastic or ceramic pots, with bulb fibre, in a
drawer in the garage as usual.

Another amusing thing last year when I asked in a local
garden/pet shop about bulb fibre, they did not have any" BUT
they had bulb compost! Got it n the garden centre this year.

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales