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Old 11-10-2019, 09:51 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_2_] Martin Brown[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2017
Posts: 267
Default New greenhouse -- what's a good make?

On 10/10/2019 18:30, Another John wrote:
Hello all,

As the Subject says I'm think of renewing our greenhouse, which is long
past its best. It's bare aluminium, 8'x6', and was being thrown out by
our neighbour when we got it 15-20 years ago.

What is a good make? The choice is enormous! I don't want to spend a
fortune on any kind of "Gucci" job, but I'd like a high quality one. I
would assemble it myself.

It sounds mundane, perhaps, but would B&Q be a good place to start
looking? I'm after a 10'x6, and perhaps one of those nice-looking
(powder coated??) green ones would be nice.

I'd be suspicious of a B&Q one. How much it costs depends on things like
how rigid it is (thickness of the aluminium frame), glass type and
mounting and the design of the doors and opening windows. Worth having a
look round garden centres with examples erected or online specialists.

If you buy a cheap one then replace the diagonal cross braces with a
thicker grade of aluminium L section or add extra ones. That is how mine
failed by the corner facing into the wind crippling and glass doesn't
bend (admittedly in hurricane force 100mph gusting winds).

Martin Brown