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Old 10-10-2019, 06:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_2_] Martin Brown[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2017
Posts: 267
Default Indoor Hyacinth's

On 10/10/2019 16:49, Roger Tonkin wrote:
I bought and planted up my indoor hyacinth's a couple of weeks
ago. At the time the garden centre gave me a paper about
growing them indoors.

Well, today I read it, and found according to them I've been
doing it wrong for the last 50+ years!

I am supposed to plant then in pots with drain holes, where as
I've always used (mainly plastic) pots and never seemed to have
any problems.

It actually doesn't make much difference provided that you don't over
water them to the point of inducing bulb rot. Main problem I have is
that squirrels break in and eat them sometimes.

A bit like with a prepared amyrillis bulb everything the plant needs for
a flower this year is already in the bulb. Letting the leave die down
naturally and planting them outside afterwords works for me. Most of
them flower for a few years in the garden before squirrels dig them up.

Why? Is this a new fad, some one not knowing what they are
doing, or a sales ploy to sell more pot?

To sell more pots at a bigger margin would be my guess.

Martin Brown