Thread: What to do?
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Old 30-08-2019, 08:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default What to do?

On 30/08/19 17:49, David Hill wrote:
On 30/08/2019 17:35, Roger Tonkin wrote:
I have replaced my fence with my neighbour, and we have had
feather boarding put on both sides. The fence was also moved
slightly at one end (3") to make the line straight.

Now I have a problem:

I can not mow right up to the fence, as the mower catches on
the feather boarding, and I'm wondering what to do.

One suggestion was to dig out a narrow strip of the lawn and
replace is with gravel/stones. We do have this elsewhere but I
find the stones get onto the grass and could damage the mower.

The alternative, preferred by swmbo, is to make a narrow (max
9"-12"). But what to grow in it that will not expand into the
mower area/ The fence is 6ft+ high and faces W.N.W. There are
houses on all the other sides, so the bed would only get
limited summer sun from about 1pm to 5pm.

Swmbo would like something tall to mask the plainness of the
fence, but I'm not sure that anything tall would stay upright
and not expand sideways?

Any ideas please?

I would be tempted to put down a strip of bark chippings instead of gravel

That's fine if you don't mind blackbirds and other feathered vandals
from flicking the stuff over the lawn next to the bark. We get that
problem here, even though there's a 5cm plastic "wall" between the bark
and the lawn.

The OP doesn't say how long the fence is, but if he wants to mow up to a
non-grass edge he could sink 2m lengths of 19 x 38mm tanalised wood into
the soil next to the fence till they are level with the ground, and run
the mower over them.

I don't understand why he can't use a strimmer to cut off the grass next
to the fence.

